The functionality of Placing Platform Limited (PPL) is continuing to improve with the recent addition of back-loading facilities.
The PPL team is committed to ensuring the platform delivers what the market wants, listening to the market and making the platform better through market usage and feedback on improving PPL’s functionality. This latest release makes back-loading facilities onto the platform significantly easier. Once a facility is back-loaded it can be edited and saved with the option of re-editing it at a later time. Once the document is correct it can be published and declarations can be added to it. This makes it easy to add existing/paper facilities onto PPL and will encourage market adoption.
Fourth release of 2018
This is the fourth PPL release this year, following the delivery of SDC subjectivities and line conditions functionality (for carrier integration), GDPR compliance, the allocation of risk codes change request, over 40 defect fixes and the MI report tool that many are finding useful.
Further releases are planned for later this year and details will be announced soon.
For further information on MI for brokers and underwriters please click here