Client Support

Please see below a list of useful information, forms and guides to support you and your platform users.
Onboarding New Users | Teams | Stamps
  New users configuration form [brokers/carriers]

  Broker onboarding form [brokers] new organisations | companies | branches | teams
  Broker onboarding guidance notes [brokers]

  Carrier onboarding form [carriers] new organisations | companies | branches | teams
  Carrier onboarding guidance notes [carriers]
  Stamps Configuration form [carriers]
  Stamps Guidelines [carriers]

Renewing Risks on PPL
Training & Support

Guide to navigate the Learning Management System (LMS). Users can enrol on virtual & in-person sessions, watch classroom recordings and go through short training videos.

  Learning with the LMS for Brokers
  Learning with the LMS for Underwriters
  Platform demonstrations

Change Requests
  Change Request form

If you are requesting a change to the platform, please ensure that a change request form is completed for each individual change.

Arrange a conversation with one of our Relationship Managers