Following the successful launch of Terrorism in July 2016 onto the PPL platform, the PPL team are now preparing to go live with the next class of business, Financial and Professional lines, with Marine to follow.

Financial and Professional lines  

PPL has 10 broker and 47 carrier firms on-board, with over 1,200 new user accounts set up and ready on the platform. This is a large increase in the current number of practitioners. PPL has carried out vigorous testing of the capacity of the platform and all tests have been passed.

Directors & Officers, Financial Institutions and Professional Indemnity will all go live on the PPL platform from 7 November 2016. PPL is working closely with the Associations, market project managers, brokers and underwriters to determine the detailed schedule of who goes live when.

PPL has developed a robust on-boarding process and comprehensive eLearning programme to guide new business lines on how to use the platform.

Marine update 

Engagement has started with the three Associations representing both brokers and underwriters and planning for PPL to attend the various relevant Association committees is under way.  First on the agenda at these meetings will be to ask the market to help confirm the scope of Marine.

A CEO briefing is being organised for the end of November and engagement with the mariners will start after that.  PPL will need a representative group to review the platform and confirm it is fit for purpose and/or identify any showstoppers in functionality.  Once this is established PPL will begin planning and agree a sensible go-live date.