PPL is pleased to announce that the first testing events for PPL next gen are operational. Initial market feedback has been ‘it’s functionally rich – a vast improvement’ ‘it does it so much better, but I will need to get used to the improvements & differences’, ‘looks so much smarter & cleaner’ … just to name a few. This is exactly what we’d hoped for in the first sessions and there’s still a way to go yet!
With our market experts – our end users testing the platform early and giving us feedback, this will certainly give us the added opportunity to enhance & perfect our training materials so the transition for all our customers is as smooth as possible.
We are rolling this out to different parts of the market through April and May with “open-house” testing from June through to September. This is available to all PPL customers. If you would like to put your name on the “open-house” list, secure your spot now at pplenquiries@placingplatformlimited.com