Next Gen GO-LIVE

*Please distribute this bulletin appropriately within your firm*

We shared on Friday 3rd February (Bulletin 005) that the anticipated position of PPL Next Gen going live would be dependent upon the success of fixing the final defects and completing a full regression test.

We appreciate that the market needs certainty about what will be available when, to allow for planning. Therefore, firms should plan on the assumption that the system will be available to the market on Monday 6 March. This will enable all firms the time required to complete their preparations, including training of users, and uploading of risks in time to commence trading from Monday 3 April.

During the month of March, we plan to work with a small number of brokers and corresponding underwriters to place a small number of “pathfinder” placements to exercise the platform end-to-end and iron out any wrinkles. Carriers who are not part of this pathfinder group should not expect to receive any placements before April 3rd.

Market Readiness feedback form


PPL have sent out the form to all “Points of Contact” for completion and return by Friday 24 February please.

This will add value in several ways; assist PPL in gaining a solid understanding of market readiness, provide market-wide visibility of who is ready, when and to help facilitate communications between parties.

The following subset of answers will be shared on the PPL website to give your market colleagues visibility of your cutover intentions: –

  • Company name
  • MUA signed (y/n)
  • Cutover date (brokers only)
  • Ready to trade (y/n – this will be determined by your answer on whether users have been trained)
  • Contact name for any queries on cutover plans

Market User Agreement (MUA)

The MUA has been sent out to all customers, via DocuSign, good response so far with signed copies being returned to PPL.


The LMS (Learning Management System) is available. So far, 781 users from 142 organisations have used the LMS.

Quarter 2 training sessions are now available for enrolment. Further short videos have been uploaded this week, and longer recordings of live sessions will be added this weekend. We will also be updating the LMS home page to make it easier to find the videos.

The environment for trainers to use for their in-house training will be available early March.

Any questions on training, please contact:

Broker cut-over plans.

These are updated by COP every Wednesday:

Single Sign-On (SSO)

Has your IT Dept configured your Single Sign-On (SSO) and checked your firewalls for Next Gen?

SSO is compulsory to use Next Gen. Here’s the guidance:

PPL has a 5-day SLA for SSO set-up and/or a technical discussion. The 5-day period starts from receipt of your completed SSO template.

PPL Market Forum

PPL Market Forum for all PPL Points of Contact on Monday @ 2.15pm

We will cover the top frequently asked questions of the week.

All invites have been sent out, if you haven’t received one, please let us know on

Weekly market demonstrations

Been running for 5 weeks, with fantastic attendance & engagement from the market!

These are regular opportunities for you and your colleagues to see the platform. Drop-in, lunch ‘n’ learn sessions. All virtual and last for approx. 45 minutes.

Every Tuesday/LIIBA:
Every Wednesday/LMA:
Every Thursday/IUA:


Your PPL Relationship Managers are always on-hand to support you in addition to the increased frequency of communications.


If you have any questions, want to be added to any distribution groups, or anything else – just ask us!

Please drop an email to:

Download PDF version here

Previous bulletins are available below:

Pre-live Weekly Bulletin – 001
Pre-live Weekly Bulletin – 002
Pre-live Weekly Bulletin – 003
Pre-live Weekly Bulletin – 004
Pre-live Weekly Bulletin – 005
Pre-live Weekly Bulletin – 006